First three days of eoys gone and done with. Woohoo. Chinese, bio and physics all over. Im happy that we had Chinese first so i don't have to keep dreading it.
Hm physics yesterday was baaad. I'm expecting a C or D. Ha. Whatever. Bio was not too bad :) I only started studying yesterday night cuz i thought i had a lot of time and it turned out not to be lol. So did lots of studying with Brenda this morning before the exam. Memorised the calorific value experiment well together hahaa and it came out. So happy!
Sejarah next Wednesday. I doubt I'll be able to finish all 10 chapters in 4 days, which sounds like a long time but I really won't be studying more than 2 or 3 hours a day. :/ And i'm only familiar with about 6 chapters. Sigh. Flunking this time. How sad. I haven't got a B for sejarah since the 79 for the march test in form2.
And i'm dreading chem so badly. Luckily it's next week so i have the whole weekend to concentrate on it :)
I actually have stuff to blog about but can't remember any of it , whatever :P
Have to have study time with Brenda again so I can remember stuff. The stuff we memorize always comes in handy hee.
I think Mr Lim's taking my cello up to Penang to have my bridge cut. I'll miss him!
Oh and I'm so super excited about what we're gonna do after exams. Emilia Hippo time to start arranging :D
I think i'm gonna sleep early tonight. It's 11.53. Goodnight! :)